Sep 6, 2013



文章日期:03/30/2011 08:12 am

Ingredients :

1/4 cabbage, shredded; 1/2 onion, thinly sliced; 1/2 cup chopped green onion;
1 cup imitation crab, flaked; 1/2 cup cooked small shrimps; 1/4 cup ham, diced;
Batter :  2 eggs; 1 cup flour; 1/2 cup water; 1/2 tsp Dashi powder; 1/8 tsp salt;
1/4 tsp baking powder; 1 tsp mirin

Homemade Okonomiyaki sauce :
1/2 Tbsp soy sauce; 1 Tbsp oyster sauce; 1 1/2 Tbsp sugar; 1 tsp sesame oil;
2 tsp corn starch; 1/2 cup water; black pepper and salt to taste

材料 :

1/4 個 高麗菜, 切幼絲; 半個洋蔥, 切絲; 1/2 杯蔥花; 1杯假蟹肉,撕開;
半杯已熟細蝦; 1/4 杯 火腿粒
粉漿 :  2 個蛋; 1 杯麵粉; 1/2 杯水; 1/2 小匙鰹魚粉; 1/8 小匙鹽;
1/4 小匙發粉; 1 小匙味醂

大阪燒醬 :  半湯匙生抽;  1 湯匙蠔油; 1 1/2 湯匙糖; 1 小匙蔴油;
                   2 小匙粟粉; 半杯水;  黑胡椒粉及鹽適量

Directions :

Mix the eggs, water and mirin in a large mixing bowl, add the flour, salt,
baking powder and Dashi powder, stir until just mix. Saute the onion with
a little oil until soft and brown, cool. Add the cabbage, green onion, shrimps,
imitation crab, ham and the onion to the batter, stir well but do not over mix.
Heat some oil in a nonstick pan, pour half of the batter mixture in, fry on
medium low heat until golden brown, turn and fry the other side. Repeat with
the rest of the batter mixture.
In a small saucepan add all the ingredients for the Okonomiyaki sauce. Bring
to a boil, stirring constantly as the sauce thickens. Remove from heat.
Put the Okonomiyaki on a serving plate, spread or drizzle with the Okonomiyaki
sauce and then with some Japanese mayonnaise, sprinkle some Bonito flakes
and Aonori seaweed (I didn't have) on top before serving.

做法 :

將蛋, 水,及味醂放在大碗內, 加入麵粉, 發粉, 鰹魚粉及鹽拌勻。洋葱
用少許油炒軟放涼, 將高麗菜, 蔥花, 洋蔥, 火腿, 蝦及假蟹肉加入粉漿
內拌勻。平底易潔鑊下油燒熱, 放下一半漿料, 用中下火煎至兩面金黃
上碟, 繼續照樣將其餘漿料煎好。
醬汁料煮滾放涼, 大阪燒放在碟內, 掃上醬汁, 加些日本沙律醬再灑些

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