Ingredients :
2 large potatoes, peeled; 2 cups diced cooked ham; 6 asparagus;
1/4 cup parsley, minced; 1/2 onion, chopped; 1 tsp chopped shallot;
1/4 cup (4oz) butter; 1/3 cup flour; 1 3/4 cup milk;
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
Seasoning : 1/4 tsp onion salt, 1/4 tsp garlic salt, salt and black pepper to taste
材料 :
大薯仔兩個, 去皮; 2 杯熟火腿粒; 6 條露筍; 1/4 杯蕃芫茜;
半個洋蔥, 切碎; 乾蔥茸一小匙; 1/4 杯 (4oz) 牛油; 1/3 杯麵粉;
1 3/4 杯奶; 1/2 杯碎車打芝士
調味料 : 1/4 小匙洋蔥鹽, 1/4 小匙蒜鹽, 黑胡椒粉及鹽適量
Directions :
Put the potatoes in a pot of salted boiling water and cook covered for 15 mins.
Drain and cut into cubes. Cook the asparagus in boiling water for 3 mins, cut
into small pieces. Preheat oven to 375F. In a casserole dish mix the potatoes,
ham, asparagus and parsley together. Melt the butter in a pan on medium heat,
add the shallot and onion, cook for 2 mins., add the flour, stir and mix well.
Add the milk gradually, stirring at the same time. Add the seasoning and cook
until the sauce thickened, pour evenly over the ham and potatoes mixture.
Bake covered for 25 mins, remove the lid, sprinkle the grated cheese on top
and bake uncovered for another 10 mins until golden brown.
做法 :
薯仔放入煮滾鹽水內烚約15分鐘取出切粒, 繼續放入露筍烚3分鐘
取出切片。焗爐預熱至375F。在一有蓋焗盆內放入薯粒, 火腿粒,
露筍及蕃芫茜拌勻。牛油用中火煮溶, 加入乾葱及洋蔥炒香, 倒入
麵粉攪勻, 慢慢加入牛奶, 邊加邊攪, 加入調味料繼續煮滾後平均倒
在火腿薯粒上, 加蓋放入焗爐焗25分鐘取出, 開蓋撒上芝士碎後不
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