Sep 6, 2013

Brined Turkey Breast


文章日期:01/21/2011 09:25 am


1 bone-in turkey breast, about 6 - 6 1/2 lbs,  2 Tbsp olive oil
For the brine :  3 Tbsp Kosher salt,  3 Tbsp brown sugar,  1/2 cup hot water,
4 1/2 cups water,  1 tsp ground star aniseed powder, 1 tsp red pepper powder


帶骨火雞胸一個約6 磅至6磅半,  2湯匙橄欖油
鹽水料: 3 湯匙粗鹽,  3 湯匙黃糖,  半杯熱水,  4杯半凍水,  1 小匙八角粉,
1 小匙花椒粉


To make the brine, melt the salt, sugar and spice with the 1/2 cup of hot water,
mix in the rest of the water. Pour inside a thick plastic bag or an oven bag and
put the turkey inside, squeeze the air out from the bag and seal tightly. Put
inside the fridge for 12 to 24 hours. Turn the bag occasionally for even brining.
Preheat oven to 350F. Take the turkey breast out and wash under running
water, pat dry with a paper towel. Put on the rack of a roasting pan, brush
the skin with the olive oil. Insert a meat thermometer to the thickest part of the
breast. Roast till the thermometer reaches 160F, about 1 1/2 hours. Transfer
to a platter, wait 15mins before carving.


將鹽,黃糖,八角粉及花椒粉放在大碗內倒入熱水攪至溶化, 加入其餘的
凍水. 將鹽水料倒入一大膠袋內, 放入已洗淨的火雞胸, 將袋內空氣盡
量壓出然後封緊袋口, 放在雪柜內12 至24 小時, 其間不時反轉膠袋令
預熱焗爐至350F. 將火雞胸取出用水沖去鹽水料, 用廚紙抹乾, 放在焗
盆的架上, 用橄欖油掃在火雞皮上, 將測温度針插在厚肉內然後放入焗
爐內焗至温度達160F, 大約1 1/2 小時, 取出待涼15分鐘後切片上桌.

P.S. This brine is also good for boneless chicken breast, whole chicken,
pork loin roast or pork chops. Adjust the brining time for the amount of
meat use. For example, it only takes about 4 hours to brine chicken meat
or pork chops. You can roast, grill, BBQ or even steam the brined meat.

這鹽水料也可用來浸醃雞胸肉, 豬扒, 整隻雞, 豬肶肉等, 浸的時間視
的大小加減, 例如厚的雞肉扒或豬扒只須浸4小時即夠, 浸醃好的肉
焗, 燒, 烤, BBQ 或蒸亦一樣可口.

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